What I’m Working On

You may have seen this new hot thing going around town… It’s called “Tour Around Blogland.” I’m a huge fan of to do lists, and this prompt is pretty much all about that – to get you thinking about what you’re working on now, in the future, and where your writing (of any kind, not just blog writing!) is headed. Since I’m a creeper, I’m really loving all of these, and thanks to Jamie of SnapGinger and Rachael of The Rachael Way for tagging me!

Tour Around Blogland: What I'm Working On & Giveaway / hellorigby!

So let’s get down to business.

What are you working on now?

Well, if we’re being technical, I am working on this blog post. If you mean in general, I’m working on so many things. Probably too many.

Some things on my to-do list for my blog this month is:
– A mini facelift (I’ve been putting this off since September, at least.)
– Several tutorial videos, including the one I promised showing off the Kiss Instawave
– A few giveaways, since I know it’s hard to splurge on yourself around the holidays

Some things on my to-do list outside of the blog:
– Get our condo remodel going. We decided last night to forgo Christmas gifts and gift each other stress and mess and finally redo our living room. Sounds fun right?
– …On that note, part of the “inspiration” was that I always hold a Christmas brunch. Because we thought we’d have this project started and finished by now, we have next to no furniture, and nowhere to seat guests. So, assuming we can get the living room done, I will plan it here, and if not, I will plan it and hold it at my mom’s.
– Play with my new camera. Insert heart eyes emoji x 10000. I ordered the Canon 70D on Thanksgiving (btw, what’s up with all the Black Friday sales starting on Thanksgiving?) for a steal and I can’t wait for it to get here.

How does your work differ from others in its genre?

Hmm… well, I’m not really sure on this. To be honest, sometimes I think my blog isn’t unique enough, or fit into any particular niche. I often feel like I don’t have a very unique or interesting story to tell. Regardless, what I love about blogging is being able to share advice and interests with such a huge community of lovely people – bloggers and non-bloggers alike. I’m so grateful for all of you.

Why do you write/create what you do?

Apparently I should read all of these questions first before answering, because I think I answered this partially with the last. Have I ever mentioned that I’m terrible at following directions? Because I am.

Anyways, I started writing this blog because I was bored. I didn’t have a hobby at the time (other than reading) that I felt connected to, or interested enough in. I chose the most expensive and time-consuming one of all, but I wouldn’t change it. It’s brought a ton of amazing opportunities my way that I always have wanted to do (go to a fashion show, meet inspirational people who I look up to, connect with all sorts of new people around the world, etc.) and I feel so lucky for that.

How does your writing/creative process work?

Erm, well. You know how I said I don’t follow directions? I was never one of those people to draw mind maps or brainstorm. I have always done well with starting with a blank page and typing. Even in college, I never planned out essays in advance… I would just sit down and word vomit on the screen. I honestly wonder sometimes how I made it work… but I always scored well on essays. I still do that – I don’t brainstorm blog posts, I just have a topic in mind, and just let the words flow.

Next Blog Stops: Since I know everyone is super busy with the holidays and it’s just an insane time of year to be adding one more email to someone else’s inbox, I figured I’d just send you off to some of my favorite bloggers. No pressure, ladies!
Sarah of SarahChristineStyle, Cat of Oddly Lovely & Ashten of Always Ashten

What are you working on right now? I’d love to hear all about it! :)

75 thoughts on “What I’m Working On

  1. Katie Matthews

    This is a great post. I want to start using Youtube for my blog but it’s a whole other scary world out there!! I totally agree with not being different to other bloggers – I’m the same. When people go ‘What’s your USP?’ I’m like errr I don’t have one?! ahah

    Katie <3

    1. Jenn Post author

      It totally is. I’m trying to just do vlogs that I would normally write about as a way to mix things up. I certainly have no clue how to grow my following there!

  2. Rebekah

    This is a great prompt! I’m just working on trying to get caught up on life… I feel like I’m behind everywhere. I need the holidays to come so I can take a few days and focus!

  3. Brenda

    LOL It’s definitely hard to sign up for more email around the holidays. The amount of emails I got on Black Friday and Cyber Monday was crazy!

  4. Myrabev

    I too started blogging because I was bored and I had moved to another time for work with no friends or family near by so entered the world of blogging and brought my love of reading along

    1. Jenn Post author

      Ah, that’s great to hear! I had some time to play with it this weekend, and I’m loving the auto focus video. Such an upgrade!

  5. Anita

    Love reading about how other bloggers got started! Yours is lovely and I’m looking forward to seeing what it’ll look like after the facelift!

  6. Pingback: What I’m Working On | SarahChristineStyle

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