So, Dave was out of town for 4 days last week. I had imagined all of these things I was going to do without him that were so great. In actuality, I was bored, and I wasn’t any more motivated to be “interesting” than any other day.
Things I did that I don’t normally do:
- Ate out every night.
- Broke my phone.
- Was on time for work. I have no idea why.
- Had a cupcake for dessert. And ate some homemade sugar cookies with spreadable Chocolate.
- Organized my shoes.
- Shopped at the mall. It sucked.
What I imagine single girls really do that I should have done:
- Cracked open a bottle of wine, and ate it with a huge cheese platter and lots of chocolate.
- Watched really bad chick flicks.
- Danced like no one was watching.
- Cook elaborate, gourmet meals.
- Had my nails done.
I think this was one of those the-grass-is-always-greener scenarios that really was not what it was cracked up to be. At all. I mean, sure, it was fine for a few days, but I cannot imagine not having him around for prolonged periods. Is that sad? Am I now one of ~those~ people?
Do you make “me” time for yourself? What do you do?
I imagine myself watching chick flicks whenever my honey is out of the house, but instead I watch HGTV House Hunters.. Zzzzz.. I guess we’re just boring “taken” chicks now ;)
Haha! I guess so. Oh well, that’s not so bad right? ;)
I wouldn’t trade it for the world ;)