Stitch Fix October 2015

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a small comission if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. Another month, another Stitch Fix. I know some may wonder why a style blogger would be interested in Stitch Fix, after all, isn’t the fun part of style the shopping part? While I’d […]

Stitch Fix September Review (& Giveaway)

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. I try to shoot to get a Stitch Fix every other month, however with two weddings in the next two months, I thought I’d schedule an extra one to see if they could […]

Stitch Fix August 2015 Review & Giveaway

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. Another month, another Stitch Fix! I always get excited to receive a package on my doorstep every other month or so from Stitch Fix. To recap, Stitch Fix is a clothing service that you […]

Stitch Fix June 2015

Affiliate Links: If you make a purchase after clicking a link below, I may make a small commission. I pay for this subscription service. Well, it’s that time again. It’s June, and I got my Stitch Fix this month… and it was pretty awesome. I thought I was totally going to screw myself over because […]

Stitch Fix April 2015

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. I decided to start receiving Stitch Fixes back in February after seeing some really cute clothes people were receiving. To me, it seems like they’ve stepped up their game in terms of supporting […]