Golden Tote February 2015

Affiliate Links If you’ve been reading for a while, you may have seen some pieces here and there from Golden Tote, or as part of my Budget recaps. It’s been awhile, but I figured I’d treat myself to a tote this month for my birthday. Well… let’s just say it didn’t go exactly as planned. […]

10 Budget Friendly Shopping Destinations

Affiliate Links A few months ago, my blog friend Ashten from Always Ashten asked on Twitter where she should be shopping. Since I have a million opinions on this matter, I obviously had some places to share… too many for Twitter even. So many, in fact, that I sent her way too long of an email with […]

5 for Friday

We interrupt my normally scheduled outfit post with a 5 for Friday instead. Sorry, life happens sometimes, and my resident photographer was out-of-town for the majority of this week. So, that means no photos since I don’t have a tripod, and I’m not about to try to figure out how to use one. Anyways, here’s […]