Wantable Style Edit: May 2015

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. I think you should realize by now that I get kind of excited about these new fashion subscription boxes. Honestly, I know I’m not the target audience (I have no problems shopping for […]

April’s Shopping Budget

Affiliate Links: If you click on a link in this post, I may make a very small commission. Oh geez. Do I really have to talk about my shopping last month? Between the Sephora and Ulta sales that were happening, as well as a few purchases here and there, I feel like  I ordered a […]

DailyLook Elite Box April 2015

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. Remember last month’s DailyLook? It was my first look at a fairly new styling service, similar to Stitch Fix. Both services assign you a stylist who then handpicks 5+ items and ships them […]

DailyLook Elite Box March 2015

Affiliate Links: If you click a link below, I may receive a credit if you sign up. I pay for this subscription. Apparently I’ve been on a clothing subscription kick, as I just received my very first DailyLook Elite Box. I found out about this in one of my the private Fashion Facebook groups, and […]

February Shopping

Affiliate Links I can’t believe how fast this month flew by. It seems like just yesterday it was February 1st and now the month is basically gone. Shorter month meant I had less time to shop, right? Well, kind of. Since it was my birthday month, I splurged on Stitch Fix AND Golden Tote… it didn’t […]