confessions of a shopaholic

Affiliate Links so, remember when i said last month that i was not going to budget for may because i “didn’t need it”? yeah, i’m crazy. my confession this week? i definitely needed it. i think i may be a tiny bit of a shopaholic. one of my favorite things about “blog land” is the […]

Priddy Lucky Outfit of the Day

Affiliate Links The title of this post is a play on words (priddy is the brand of the dress, lucky made this sweater) but honestly, today i’m feeling pretty lucky. i had a skin check with my dermatologist and got the all clear. i noticed some changes on a couple of small moles, and freaked. […]

short women can wear a maxi dress too

Affiliate Links happy friday! this week has felt so long for some reason. i’m blaming it on the crummy weather this week – it started off so pretty (you know, sun and decent temperatures) but today it just poured. so glad i caught this maxi dress outfit earlier in the week, otherwise i would have […]

$200 budget challenge for april / final check in

Affiliate Links well, that was a flop. i definitely failed my budget challenge this month. we’ve had a lot going on, and i’m totally a stress shopper. with that said, i didn’t do that bad. i went over by about $30 when all was said and done. so here’s a recap of my “rules”: – […]