I’ve never been one to consider myself the athletic type. Growing up, I wasn’t particularly good or bad at any sport. In elementary school, I played basketball and took swimming lessons. In middle school, I joined the swim team. By high school, I realized I just wasn’t loving the sports life and decided to put more of my efforts into creative endeavors like art.

Disclosure: Thanks to adidas for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own!
For years, I’ve struggled to find a sport or athletic activity that I really connect with. I’ve tried cycling, running, barre, yoga, and joined a gym. For whatever reason, none of these things have stuck despite countless attempts at making New Year’s resolutions. Last year, however, Dave encouraged me to take up golf. I brushed him off over and over again, but he persisted.
Finally, to shut him up, I offered to take a golf lesson with him. Surprisingly, I didn’t hate it. So I went back. And then again, and again.
While I’m definitely no Tiger Woods, and will likely never be a great golfer, it has got me out of my athletic comfort zone. I’m using muscles that rarely get used in my day-to-day activities of typing, taking photos, and spending too much time on my phone. I’m getting more exercise and also trying new things, like visiting the driving range. I won’t lie; having an excuse to shop for women’s golf gear has been fun, too. I mean, after all, how cute are golf dresses and skorts?!
This year, I purposely made no New Years’ resolutions. Instead, I want to do more things that challenge and push me outside of my comfort zone, keep up and establish more healthy habits, and work on decluttering areas of my life that don’t bring me joy.
Today, I thought I’d share how I’m skipping the idea of “new year, new you” and instead of making sustainable changes that fit into my everyday routine!
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