Quitting your job to become a full time blogger sounds really glamorous… that is unless the reason you’re in that position is that your job can’t pay you anymore.
Yep, that’s essentially the position I found myself in last year.
I hesitated writing about the situation I found myself in because it was embarrassing, it was weird, and I wasn’t sure what I should or shouldn’t share. But the fact of the matter is that it happened to me, it’s happened to other people, and what came out of it was probably for the best anyway. It forced me to decide whether or not I wanted to become a full-time freelancer. I had to choose if I wanted my blog business to be just that, or if I wanted to step back, find a new job, and go back to treating my blog more like a hobby that occasionally brings in a little extra spending money.

2018 was rough. It challenged me, it forced me to take leaps when I wasn’t necessarily ready for them, and it made me realize that I’m stronger than I give myself credit for. I won’t sugar coat it and pretend that some days my anxiety and stress levels were almost unbearable. Some days, I couldn’t write because I couldn’t get out of my own head about every what if under the sun.
But, fortunately, so far those “what if’s” haven’t materialized and all the time spent thinking about them? A total waste.
But honestly, this post isn’t about what happened to me. What happened to me could happen to anyone, whether you work for a startup like I did or you work for a big company. Employment is never a guarantee, and neither is the income I’m able to make from this blog. I learned that pointing fingers, rehashing the past, and “could have/should have/would haves” weren’t going to change anything.
What I want to share with you is that if you’re sitting around waiting for a sign, for a kick in the pants to do something different, then stop. If you want to be doing something different, do it. Don’t wait for destiny to smack you in the face and set you up with a new host of problems. Take a step, make a move, and just do it.
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