Thrifting is one of my favorite hobbies. Sure, sometimes I completely strike out. But other times? It’s a total gold mine. So when my friend Megan of Diary of This Girl asked me if I might want to take the thrift store challenge and put together a head to toe look together with just $50 and only items we found during our thrift store shopping trip, I said, “Of course!”
Disclosure: Nothing to disclose here! This post was paid for by me and no affiliate links are being used.
We met for lunch, got caffeinated, and then ended up at the Seattle Goodwill in Edmonds. With the big KonMari craze happening, we figured our timing was probably just right. After all, if everyone is cleaning out their closet after watching Marie Kondo on Netflix, then you can bet that the thrift stores will be piled high with the good stuff. One (wo)man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure, right?
Who’s excited for Superbowl Weekend?! Let’s be honest, I’m just looking forward to the game day snacks to be had, and the halftime commercials. If you’re like me and are putting your snack face on this weekend, then I have a snack spread that will feed the hungriest of crowds, and will satisfy a myriad of palettes.
Even better? It’s not so unhealthy. Shh, don’t tell your guests!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by on behalf of popchips. All opinions are my own!
Because popchips are a better-for-you option over some other snacks, I thought it would be fun to put a better-for-you healthy Superbowl Snack spread together for the big game. If you’re like me, then your friends and family have allergies and dietary restrictions that can sometimes put a damper on parties. A few simple swaps from traditional homegating food are all it takes to make sure everyone can have something to snack on!
In the spirit of full disclosure, style blogging is far from perfect. It takes a lot of effort to get that perfect outfit capture that you see on Instagram, or here on the blog. In fact, if you go back into my archives, you’ll see my outfit photos weren’t always so glamorous. (And I’d still argue they aren’t today, but they’ve definitely come a long way!)
I used to be terrified to take photos out in public, so I’d make Dave snap a few photos in the backyard of the condo he used to own. As I got more gutsy, I would shoot right outside the condo complex on the sidewalk that ran along a busy street. When I got really brave, I would sometimes have him take photos of me on side streets and alleyways.
The longer I’ve done this, the more confident and comfortable I feel taking photos in public. Honestly, practice makes perfect. The first few times you will do it you might think everyone is looking at you or judging you. The truth is, that most of the time 1. no one is paying any attention, or 2. they are and end up complimenting your outfit or are just curious! It’s pretty rare that I get any hate, but I’d be lying if I said it never happens. Remember this story about the mean shop owner? I’ve had others, too. But the good honestly far outweighs the bad!
Ok, ok. If you’re here just to see the cringe-worthy photos, I’m getting to it, I promise.
I’ll let you see those and give you a true behind the scenes look at the less-than-glamorous shots that happened las year. In no particular order, here are my favorite outtakes from 2018!
Maybe you’re an old pro at shopping Sprouts Farmers Market. Or, maybe, just maybe you’re like me and you’ve recently discovered Sprouts supermarket. I know, I know. Where have I been?! The truth is, that Sprouts is actually still pretty new to the Pacific Northwest. In fact, there’s only one store open right now north of Seattle, but in just about 3 weeks, everything will be changing. Sprouts will be opening up their second Washington location in Lynnwood on February 6th!
Disclosure: Thanks to Sprouts Farmers Market for sponsoring this post! All opinions are my own.
If you walk into Sprouts and get overwhelmed, I feel you. My first shopping trip was a little bit of a shock (in the best way possible!) because there was just SO much to see. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place because I crowdsourced and asked my readers and followers for their top recommendations on what to buy at Sprouts, and they delivered. Even better, I have some great tips and tricks from Sprouts themselves on how to save BIG next shopping trip.
This post is sponsored by Nurx, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. 10 years ago, one little word printed on a piece of paper changed my perspective on my health forever.
Today, I’m grateful to share my story in partnership with Nurx, a company who is doingsomething major to help more women have easier access to life-saving screenings for HPV (Human Papillomavirus). The timing couldn’t be better, as January marks Cervical Health Awareness Month. While I’m fortunate that my HPV cleared and didn’t lead to cancer, the reality is that some are not so lucky.
At some point in their lives, 80% of sexually active men and women will have HPV, and most will not know it. Not all HPV strains lead to cancer, however, each year 34,000 new cases of cervical cancer caused by HPV are diagnosed. Because pap smears are not the only way to check your risk, Nurx’s in-home testing kits offer a safe, convenient, and affordable way to determine your risk for cervical cancer. Those with and without insurance can screen themselves quickly and easily for HPV, and get life-saving treatment sooner.