I hope you guys have been enjoying the vlogs because I have had fun making them! Honestly, I thought it was going to be such a pain to compile all the video I took but it’s been a fun way to relive our trip. I secretly think Dave is enjoying that I made them now too. He wasn’t into the idea of filming it at all and thought it was the most terribly embarrassing thing… but I think seeing the final product may have him thinking differently.
I think something interesting about vlogging is that because I focused on only filming short clips, I didn’t miss out on any part of our trip. My goal was just to create short snippets of our days, and not long monologs of me talking to the camera. While I do enjoy watching those sometimes, I just can’t imagine that it’s a great way to really experience travel.
Please note the bag in Dave’s hand contained a coffee eclair, and it was damn delicious. It was from the little pâtisserie in the second video. ;)