Well, it’s that time of the month again. (No, not that time, sheesh.) It’s time for my once a month book recaps, and of course the fun Goodreads link up so that you can meet fellow book lovers! I’ve actually been slacking pretty hard on reading this summer. I just haven’t been into reading books, and I think part of my problem is that the good books have been few and far between.
Category Archives: Link Up
Fashion Blogger Outtakes – Oh Hey Friday!
August 8, 2014So, truth be told I almost forgot today was Friday. Probably because yesterday felt so much like Friday (because I’m taking today off from work) and I’ve been super confused. I’m off to Dallas this weekend, for a little blogging fun at The Hundred Event. This is my first blogger “conference”, but let’s be real, I’m just using it as an excuse to travel. #sorrynotsorry
My First Vlog: The Accent Vlog Link Up
August 3, 2014So I thought it would be fun to participate in the Accent Vlog link up with The Other Juliette, Allieology, Cause You Gotta Have Faith, and the Wife in Training… even if I am a few days late. Oops. This also happens to be my very first vlog, so go easy on me.
Oh and shout out to YouTube for picking THE WORST possible screen capture. Thanks, guys. (OKAY just kidding, I needed to verify my account and then I could upload a custom one. You’re welcome in advance if this happens to you. Also, thanks to Kate and Lix for the lack of scary face.)
Favorite Fashion Friday
August 1, 2014
Happy Friday! I’m not sure why, but this week has felt like the longest one ever, so I’m thrilled it’s nearly the weekend. We’ve got a busy weekend mapped out to catch up with family whose birthdays we still need to celebrate (including Dave’s still!)
Continue readingI’m Basic, and That’s Okay.
July 28, 2014I keep hearing this term “basic” and “basic b*tch” again lately, probably because Lauren Conrad recently responded on Twitter to Allure Magazine. But what does that even mean? And why is there yet another way to label women?
Urban Dictionary defines a “basic b*tch” several ways, but I think the best description is this: “just an extra regular female” Continue reading