Category Archives: Giveaway

Plaid, Fur, and a Giveaway!

Happy New Year! I’m excited 2015 is here. So far this year will be bringing us many changes. We’ve just started our remodel, I’m traveling out of the country next week, and who knows what else is going to happen!

How to Wear a Fur Vest / Petite Flannel Plaid and Fur Vest Outfit / hellorigby!

They say the way you spend your New Year’s is the way you’re going to spend the rest of the year. We played it low-key and went over to Dave’s Aunt’s house to eat fried chicken from Ezell’s and celebrate with family. I mean, if eating good food and being entertained by a 2-year-old is how I’ll spend my year, I guess I’ll take it. ;)

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Holiday Gift Guide: For Your Furry Friends & Giveaway

One of the gift recipients that I didn’t touch on in my last gift guide about giving the gift of experience was for our pets. It’s pretty hard to give a pet a gift of an experience, unless you count walks and visits to the dog park as a gift. ;) I always like to give Rigby a Christmas gift, and fill his stocking with goodies, so today’s holiday gift guide is going to focus on just that!

Holiday Gift Guide: For Your Furry Friends & Fellow Animal Lovers / hellorigby!

Rigby is not the easiest to shop for though! He’s pretty smart, so a lot of dog toys are boring. He also has a love of chewing, and will destroy even the most “indestructible” toys, especially the plush stuffed kind if left to his own devices. Continue reading

Thanksgiving “Leftovers” & Giveaway!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday! We were lucky enough to be treated to a killer dinner by Dave’s grandma and family, and have another Thanksgiving feast planned with my side of the family on Sunday. While I wish I could still say I was still full from dinner, I’d be lying because I definitely came home and had a snack last night. Oops.

#OOTD featuring Chloe + Isabel Celestial Frost Hair Pin Duo, Pave Ball Stud Earrings, plus a Giveaway!  / hellorigby!

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Leather, Stripes, + Firmoo Glasses

Do you ever sit down to do something, and just come up blank? Pretty sure that’s how I’m feeling today. Not sure if it’s because I missed my coffee this morning, my pounding right side headache that made a reappearance, or what, but I’m just feeling off my game today.

I sat down to write, and I got nothing. It’s like radio silence in my head.

The only thing I can think of lately is how much I have to do. It’s a week until Thanksgiving, and I’ve got nothing figured out to bring. I’ve also yet to look at any Black Friday ads. This is way out of the norm for me. (Actually, it’s probably better that way… I’m already over budget this month.)

Firmoo Glasses, Kut from the Kloth Lincoln Draped Leather Jacket, Skinny Jeans, PIrate Booties, and Stripes / hellorigby! Continue reading

Survey says…

Last month, I asked for your thoughts and opinions, and you shocked me with a ton of positivity and even better, helpful criticism! Thanks so much for that, I sure appreciate each and every 267 of you who took my survey and told me what you thought about this little old young blog!

Survey Says

Since I’m sure you’re dying of curiosity (or maybe you’re not, that’s cool) I thought I’d share the results of my survey, and my thoughts on what you had to say! I promise I’m not throwing anyone under the bus (it was anonymous, after all) but I may or may not be responding to some of your comments and critiques below. Continue reading