Category Archives: Blogging

Leather, Stripes, + Firmoo Glasses

Do you ever sit down to do something, and just come up blank? Pretty sure that’s how I’m feeling today. Not sure if it’s because I missed my coffee this morning, my pounding right side headache that made a reappearance, or what, but I’m just feeling off my game today.

I sat down to write, and I got nothing. It’s like radio silence in my head.

The only thing I can think of lately is how much I have to do. It’s a week until Thanksgiving, and I’ve got nothing figured out to bring. I’ve also yet to look at any Black Friday ads. This is way out of the norm for me. (Actually, it’s probably better that way… I’m already over budget this month.)

Firmoo Glasses, Kut from the Kloth Lincoln Draped Leather Jacket, Skinny Jeans, PIrate Booties, and Stripes / hellorigby! Continue reading

Survey says…

Last month, I asked for your thoughts and opinions, and you shocked me with a ton of positivity and even better, helpful criticism! Thanks so much for that, I sure appreciate each and every 267 of you who took my survey and told me what you thought about this little old young blog!

Survey Says

Since I’m sure you’re dying of curiosity (or maybe you’re not, that’s cool) I thought I’d share the results of my survey, and my thoughts on what you had to say! I promise I’m not throwing anyone under the bus (it was anonymous, after all) but I may or may not be responding to some of your comments and critiques below. Continue reading

One Year Ago Today…

I was starting a blog. I named it Hello Rigby and I had no idea what I was doing, but I was proud of myself for finally deciding on a name and not hating it a day later. I told myself to stick to it and see what happens, so I did.

I used my first post to introduce myself to the world (AKA no one, because it was months before anyone actually really read my blog… remember when I said I had no idea what I was doing?)

So in honor of one year of blogging, I’m going to reintroduce myself.

Jenn of hellorigby! Seattle Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger / hellorigby!Photo by Shayln Nelson

Hi! I’m Jenn. I’m a 25 year old Seattleite, who is apparently crazy enough to name my blog after my dog, Rigby. Rigby is an almost-two-year-old Shiba Inu. He’s named after The Beatles song, “Eleanor Rigby,” in case you’re curious. Continue reading

Wanderlusting with Popbasic

True Life: I’m a Fashion Blogger (on my off hours) should be a thing. Now that it’s getting darker earlier, I have to hurry home and get outfit shots done before the sun goes down. Tonight was probably the most embarrassing/ridiculous one yet. We’re driving home and I’m yelling, “Oh no! We’re losing the light!” Yeah, clearly I have issues.

What’s even more amazing is that Dave doesn’t even complain (as much) anymore about the photo taking endeavors. Bless him. Seriously. He even gave me a piggy back ride down the hill from where we took these photos so that I wouldn’t fall. Now that’s love.

Striped Tee, Black Zip Skirt, Red Pump / Popbasic Wanderlust / hellorigby!

I guess I should start planning ahead soon and take my photos on the weekends. Pretty soon we’re going to be into winter and then I’m really going to have issues. #BloggerProbz for real, though. Continue reading

The Hundred Event

As you may have gathered by now, I spent last weekend in Dallas for The Hundred Event. I’d never been to Texas, and this is the first year of The Hundred so I had no idea what to expect. Considering most other blogging events I have attended have been great, I figured I had absolutely nothing to lose, and only knowledge to gain.

The Hundred Event Dallas 2014 / hellorigby!

It all started from an innocent tweet, where I complimented Grace on her blog. Lauren, the brains behind The Hundred, emailed me that evening and asked if it looked like something I’d like to attend. Considering I’d never been to 1. a blog conference, or 2. Texas, I figured why the heck not. YOLO, right? Continue reading